
Inspiring podcasts to help you live by design.


Prioritizing Self Care

In today's episode, I dive deep into the misunderstood concept of self-care. It's not just about spa days and massages; it's a crucial strategy to enhance our ability to care for others. 

I share my four non-negotiable self-care tips — from prioritizing sleep and exercising hard to eating right and the art of strategic editing. Trust me, as someone who thrives in a demanding world, these practices have transformed my life.

Tune in for actionable insights to become the best version of yourself. To a vibrant and empowered you!



Welcome to Design Your Life Podcast 2024! In this episode, I share the highs and hurdles of my 2023 journey with the central theme: "Boundaries."

We explore the challenges of time, energy drains, and the constant battle of being a people-pleaser. But here's the exciting part: 2024 is all about breaking free. We're going to dissect the art of setting boundaries, not just for others but for ourselves. It's a skill I'm still honing, and together, we'll explore actionable strategies. Expect real talk, vulnerable moments, and a generous sprinkle of inspiration.

Get ready for real talk, vulnerability, and actionable strategies. This episode isn't just about me; it's about us—a community dedicated to growth, resilience, and crafting lives aligned with our truest selves.


Embracing Your Difference

In a world often pushing conformity, this podcast stands tall, celebrating the power of being unapologetically yourself. Join me as I weave personal narratives and share profound insights after embracing my own uniqueness to become the person I am today.

Let's uncover the beauty in our differences, finding strength in authenticity. It's time to own your narrative, stand out, and live life on your terms. Get ready to embark on a transformative adventure of self-love, growth, and embracing what sets you apart.

Tune in, be inspired, and let's make embracing your difference the coolest thing you do today – because the world needs more of what only you can bring.


Am I On The Right Path?

As I approach my mid-40s, I find myself asking, 'Am I on the right path?' Do you ever wonder the same?

Today, we're expected to be multi-hyphenated, juggling various roles and passions. Back in the day, success seemed one-dimensional - a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, or, if you were a woman, a wife and a mother. But the modern world has shattered this mold. The possibilities are vast, which is incredible, but it's also overwhelming. The fear of missing out and the comparison trap can be paralyzing.

Sometimes, it's not about drifting off your path; it's about recognizing the path has bends and turns. I'm on this journey of reevaluation, and I invite you to join me. In this episode, we'll explore these themes further because the Designed Life is about just that - designing your life. So, let's embrace the journey, navigate the curves, and strive for the success that speaks to our souls.


Distraction, Distraction

On today's episode as I delve into a topic that hits close to home for so many of us - distractions. Life's bustling with others' demands, societal pressures, and the whirlwind of our own thoughts. I get it. As someone juggling friendship, work, and dreams, I've been there too. Let's chat about how to navigate this chaotic terrain and reclaim your focus. I'll walk you through my personal journey, those moments when I've been buried in others' expectations, trying to be everywhere for everyone. 

But here's the thing - that's not the path to fulfillment. I'll spill the beans on how I've wrestled with distraction and emerged stronger. You see, it's all about mastering the art of time - discovering your prime hours, either tuning out the noise or integrating it strategically, and even, gasp, possibly letting go of goals that no longer light your fire. Intrigued? Tune in to this episode as I share my tried-and-true tactics to not just manage distractions, but to rise above them. Let's kick those disorienting habits to the curb and shape a life that's authentically ours. Ready to take back your focus? Hit that play button now! 


Hard Things Are Gifts

Today, we're diving deep into the transformative power of embracing challenges and stepping into the unknown. Join me as we unpack the idea that hard things are actually hidden gifts waiting to be unwrapped. In this episode, I reflect on my own journey of facing hard situations and how they've shaped my growth and perspective. From taking on new roles to navigating uncharted territories, I share the ups and downs, the doubts and triumphs.

Discover how I shifted from denial and self-doubt to recognizing the incredible opportunities that arise when we dare to tackle the seemingly impossible. Explore the mindset shifts and strategies I'm using to embrace the unknown, even when I don't have all the answers.

So, if you're ready to harness the hidden potential in the hard things and unlock your path to growth and success, this episode is for you. Tune in, lean in, and let's transform hard challenges into beautiful gifts together.


You Are The Only One Responsible for Your Spirit

In today's episode, I want to dive deep into the topic of your spirit. You know, that essence that makes you uniquely you. We all have certain characteristics and personalities, influenced by our family, culture, and the people we surround ourselves with.

But here's the thing: sometimes life knocks us down, and we start losing sight of who we truly are. Have you ever encountered someone who used to shine so brightly, but years later, they're a completely different person? It's a reminder that we must protect and nurture our spirits.

Join me on this episode as we explore the importance of holding onto our spirits and becoming the best versions of ourselves. It's time to take control and honor the divine human being within. Together, let's embrace our purpose and contribute to the world.


Faith Greather Than Fear

Welcome to this new episode where I believe that having unwavering faith is the key to conquering fear and unlocking your true potential. Join me as I dive deep into the transformative power of faith, sharing personal experiences, insights, and practical strategies to help you overcome fear and pursue a purpose-driven life.

Let's explore the ways fear can hold us back from achieving our dreams and offers inspiring stories of triumph over adversity. Discover how to shift your mindset, embrace uncertainty, and take courageous steps toward your goals. From cultivating self-belief to navigating challenges with resilience, this podcast equips you with the tools and mindset to thrive in the face of fear.

Whether you're seeking motivation, guidance, or a fresh perspective, "Faith Greater Than Fear" provides you with the inspiration and practical wisdom to break free from fear's grip and live a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.


I Give You Permission to Go

After The Life That You Want

Life is full of distractions and challenges that make it easy to lose sight of our true desires. But here's the thing: you have the power to shape your own destiny.

Together, let's dive into the deep waters of self-reflection and find the courage to go after what we truly want. It's time to give yourself permission—the permission to dream big, to reach for the stars, and to create a life that fills your soul with joy and purpose.

In this podcast, we'll explore the power of envisioning your ideal life and creating a roadmap to get there. You'll discover that every decision you make is an opportunity to shape your own narrative, to turn the page and start a new chapter filled with passion and purpose.


Stop Swimming Into The Shallow End, Dive Into The Deep End

Ready to dive into living the life you always dreamed of?

Join me on this episode where I talk about my own experience of stepping outside of my comfort zone and proactively accomplishing big goals. Imagine waking up each morning with excitement, knowing that you’re on the path towards your dreams. Picture yourself pushing yourself to new heights, taking risks, and pursuing opportunities that you never thought possible. This podcast is for you if you are ready to dive into the deep end, break free from your fears, and start living your best life.

Let’s design a life that you’ll be excited to wake up to each day.

books about the life of michael jackson, madonna, marilyn monroe and whitney houston

You Can't Win Being Someone Different

Do you ever feel like you're constantly bombarded with success stories of people who seem to have it all figured out? From billionaires to Olympic athletes, it's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to these larger-than-life figures. But here's the truth: you can't win at life trying to live someone else's story.
In this new podcast, we'll explore what it means to win being yourself. We'll dive into the struggles, triumphs, and lessons of everyday people like you and me who have found success by being true to themselves. Join us on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment, and let's win at life on our own terms.

How to be the Best Version of Yourself

I know we hear a lot about becoming the best version of ourselves. It sounds inspiring, but have you ever stopped and asked yourself, what does that even mean? I know I did. When I was younger, I had this idea that being my best self meant being perfect - flawless skin, perfect job, perfect relationship - you name it. So, if you are fixating in this idea of being your BEST, I encourage you to hear me out. Your BEST does not equate to being perfect.


The Audit and Edit

Taking a hard look at your life can be inspiring and empowering. Just like editing your closet twice a year, doing an inventory of your life can help you identify areas that no longer align with your goals or values. By taking stock of where you are, where you want to be, and what changes you need to make, you can start taking steps towards a more fulfilling life.

Check out this podcast to help you explore what areas of your life may not be in line with your current aspirations and principles.


Do Not Afraid to Disappoint

We’ve been raised to prioritize other people’s happiness over our own, but it’s time to break free from that mentality.
You are allowed to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs without feeling guilty. Respect yourself enough to say no to things that don’t align with your values or ambitions. It’s time to be fierce and unapologetic about going after what we truly want in life.
Catch the new episode and be inspired to chase after your dreams unapologetically.


Autopiloting My Life

Have you ever considered living your life on AUTOPILOT? No, I'm not talking about living your life as if you're sleepwalking. Seems impossible, right? Hear me out on this episode because just like you, I used to struggle with analysis-paralysis. And so, I want to share how you can make most out of time and energy to best position yourself for success!


Accomplishing Goals Is Hard

Reaching for your goals are HARD.

Let’s acknowledge the fact that the road to our dream life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. We love to think that there is such a thing as overnight success, but rarely is any success that easy.  Join me on this episode as I weigh in on the struggles to achieve my WOW life, and how every second of it has been worth it!


Not The Sum of Your Parts

Nothing beats experiencing the extraordinary, which makes you feel alive and energized. Listen to this inspiring podcast episode where I discuss how the best experiences in life come from keeping an open mind and being willing to try something new. I'm here to help you reach for new opportunities and live an amazing life.


The Art of Not Caring

We live in a world where we care too much about what others think of us. We are so worried about what others will say, how they will judge us, and whether or not we fit in with the crowd.

Thus, our self-esteem is often based on the opinion of others. But you can put an end to that! Tune in to learn the art of not caring and how to not be swayed by others' opinions as well as how to accept the consequences of this choice.


Don’t Settle. Go for Amazing.

Nothing beats experiencing the extraordinary, which makes you feel alive and energized. Listen to this inspiring podcast episode where I discuss how the best experiences in life come from keeping an open mind and being willing to try something new. I'm here to help you reach for new opportunities and live an amazing life.


Don’t Forget to Laugh and Cry

In today's cynical age, happiness and success appear unattainable for many, and it's now easier to get lost in the anxiety of everyday life when you feel like you have no control over it. It is, however, sometimes necessary to laugh and cry, both of which are equally important to shed at times. And it is only by surrendering to our emotions that we can free and reclaim ourselves.

If you have ever felt like you were going to explode from holding in your frustration or any emotion, this episode is for you. I'll explain why it's important to both laugh and cry, how they help relieve stress and anxiety, and a tip that will help you learn how to let it all out.


People Pleasing

If you are a people pleaser, you may frequently find yourself in contentious circumstances, attempting to please everyone at the expense of your well-being. If that sounds familiar, don't worry, there is still a way advocate for yourself effectively.

Tune in to this episode to learn ways to advocate for yourself and live life in your own terms!


Be Kind

The concept of kindness can be a little complicated. We typically associate kindness with being polite and helpful, but honestly, it is much more than that. Being kind is caring about other people's well-being, offering them our support, and just generally trying to have a positive effect on their lives. But why is this important? In this episode, I wanted to dive a little deeper into why we should be kind and the benefits of being kind to others and yourself.


Success Won’t Make You Happy

Most people assume that "success" leads to happiness. But it doesn't. I've learned that it has nothing to do with what you own, achieve, or accomplish. Instead, happiness fuels success, and it comes from living our lives with purpose, meaningful connections with others and moments that stay with us after the acquisition fades away.

Hear me out to this jammed-packed episode with tips to on how to be happy and successful by working on things that truly defines who you are.


Get Your Own Stamp of Approval

Self-approval is so important, yet it's also something that many people struggle with as they go through life. Tune in on this episode to know the power of self-approval, what does it mean to approve of yourself, and how do you approve yourself to leverage the best version of your designed life.


Taking Up Space

Many people will tell you what you can or cannot do. Some would even dare say that you don't belong. It can be intimidating but you don't have to be.

Listen to this episode and discover the WHY's and the HOW's of owning your metaphorical space at work or in any social environment. Stay tuned!


Why you should do hard things?

The road to success is not a walk in the park. You got to do things that are hard for you.

Most people will take the easy route but there is no fulfillment in that. Growth comes in knowing something is hard but choosing to do it anyway.

Listen to this episode to encourage you that you are capable of doing hard things.


New Journey

Often times your hear me talk about career development. This time around I would like to share, in a series of podcasts, the key tenets on how to get a promotion. 

 Tune in to this podcast and see how you can apply these strategies for your own career advancement.


The Change

Change happens when you push past the uncomfortable. Yes, change can be difficult but you have the power to make it happen.

 Listen to this episode and see for yourself that you have the power to design the life that you want!

From Surviving to Thriving

Would you rather go after your passion or hold on to your profession? This is an age old dilemma. But what if you can actually do both?

Listen and be inspired on how Tricia has gone from surviving to thriving mode.


Regaining Your Own Trust

How to trust yourself? How do you stand up to your inner critic?

Not being trustworthy to yourself can hold you back from being where you want to be. In this new episode, we will unravel steps on how to rebuild self-trust so you can have true confidence to conquer your dreams. Stay tuned!


How to Make Dreams Come True

Have you experienced people rejecting your idea? Are your dreams seem impossible to reach?

Tune in and I will unveil how you can create the possibilities for your own dreams. Success doesn't come from a stroke or luck. You design your own success.🏆⁠


Why Do I Keep Going Back To My Old Habits?

It takes a lot of time to create new habits. Once you have chosen the right path to where you want to be, you might think that falling back to "old" habits is no longer possible. To be honest, it is so easy to go back because the wrong path is always keeping up with the right one.

Tune in to learn how to navigate your way back to the path to your designed life!


How To Lose The First Ten Pounds

For first-timers, shedding the first ten pounds can be the most challenging part of your weight loss journey.

Lend me your ears and discover some ways to start losing weight and gaining back your confidence.


Design Your Space with Fluidity

Designing your space is very much related to designing your life. Listen to this podcast and discover how you can apply the concept of fluidity in designing your space and your life!



Why are we so keen to rush things? We think we KNOW, but we don’t know WHAT we don’t know.

In order to KNOW we need to have as many experiences as possible... Attaining a goal without truly understanding the process is not the goal. This is not about a mad dash to the finish line.

The goal is to LIVE and EXPERIENCE, to enjoy and respect the JOURNEY.


Experiences Over Things

Make everyday count. Spend more on experiences over material possessions. Experiences, even if it's bad, make a good story.


Take Control of Your Life

Have you ever felt being in the backseat of your life? Do you find yourself in a situation where you let the actions of other people affect you?

Hear me out and be ready to take the driver seat of your life! 


Why Hustle Culture Is Bad

When did becoming busy, having multiple side gigs and working for longer hours become an achievement?

 Tune in to know why hustle culture is bad and see what you can do to improve your situation.

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How to Create Your Wow Future?

Wow future is an inevitable consequence of sensational success achieved by taking the path to a designed life. Tune in and learn how to create your “wow” future.